Resistors are one of the commonly found passive components in an electrical circuit, together with presence of capacitors and inductors. They are primarily used to create and maintain a safe current within the circuitry itself. ASJ offers a full range of Chip Resistors: General Purpose Thick Film Chip Resistors Precision Thick Film Chip Resistors Wide Terminal Thick Film Chip Resistors High Precision High Stability Thin Film Chip Resistors Current Sensing Low Ohmic Chip Resistors Low Ohmic High Power Current Sensing Chip Resistors Metal Element Current Sensing Chip Resistors High Power Chip Resistors High Voltage Chip Resistors Arrays & Networks Resistors Specialty Resistors (eg. Anti-Sulfur Chip) With the wide range of Chip resistors offerings, ASJ is sure to be positioned as customers' preferred partner and meeting customers' diversified application needs. |